Category Blog

The Mother of All Wisdom: Memory and Learning, Part III

Welcome back! So far in this mini-series of posts, we have looked at the human memory in terms of how it acquires and retains new information. We initially took a look at sensory memory, followed by short-term (or “working”) memory,…

What’s the objective?

Before we sit down and consider the materials or content required for an instructional course, we have to be clear about where we’re headed. After all, we don’t usually set off on a long journey without knowing at least knowing…

Know your learners

Understanding your learners plays a crucial role in designing effective learning experiences. Failing to comprehend their needs and preferences can lead to unfortunate outcomes. Today, we’ll look at ways to evaluate your learners’ needs, abilities, and motivations. (I also suggest…

Ask yourself …

Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply absorb new information and be instantly proficient in a new skill? This doesn’t work in real life, sadly; this ain’t The Matrix! (Probably.) So, what are the main factors that lead to…